What 2 Wear
Handbag Obsessed? We always have a fabulous selection of designer handbags. In the market for a Louis Vuitton, Chanel, or Gucci? Always authentic- guaranteed! Click on our "In Stock" link to see what we have right now. It's constantly changing, so check back often.
What 2 Wear is a luxe consignment boutique featuring women’s clothing, shoes, handbags, jewelry, and accessories. We specialize in boutique and designer labels. Authentic only-guaranteed! Shoppers will find a variety of local favorites like Chico’s, St. John, White House, Lilly Pulitzer, Michael Kors, Coach, Brighton, and Tory Burch -on up to elite, couture, and one of a kind labels. Each item is handpicked with our discriminating buyers in mind. New arrivals & daily sales! You’re sure to find a treasure at What 2 Wear. What 2 Wear is THE destination for luxe consignment shopping in Southwest Florida.